Winty Family

I’ll probably do a family tree … at some point. They are fiddly and annoying. But we’re only at the beginning now, so no worries just yet!


Generation one (Arabella Winty)

Generation two

  • ?

Founder & spouse

Name Arabella Winty
Traits: Brave, family-oriented, born saleswoman, adventurous, photographer’s eye
Hidden traits: None
Likes: French music, autumn salad, sea foam grey
LTW: Seasoned Traveller – not completed
Name Adrien (Lefevre) Winty
Traits: Brave, handy, lucky, easily impresssed, kleptomaniac
Hidden traits: French culture, immune to fire, can apprehend burglar
Likes: Latin music, grilled salmon, black
LTW: Dynamic DNA Profiler – completed!

Generation two – no heir yet!

Name Soulpeace Winty
Traits: Good, disciplined, absent-minded
Hidden traits: Pyromaniac, can apprehend burglar
Likes: Chinese music, pancakes, aqua
Name Opal Winty
Traits: Absent-minded, heavy sleeper
Hidden traits: Immune to fire, can apprehend burglar
Likes: Classical music, falafel, orange
Name Jade Winty
Traits: Neurotic, hates the outdoors
Hidden traits: Pyromaniac, can apprehend burglar
Likes: Classical music, egg rolls, lime
Name Emerald Winty
Traits: Brave, virtuoso
Hidden traits: Pyromaniac, can apprehend burglar
Likes: Egyptian music, hot dogs, violet

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